Assessment and Reporting in Connections: Literature
Using assessment to check for understanding and make meaningful instructional decisions is critical to the learning process.
Advantages of administering assessments in the Interactive Edition:
Objective questions can be completed and scored automatically
Short and extended response questions digitally scored by the teacher using embedded rubrics
All scored questions populate reports in Perfection Next
Diagnostic Pretest
A comprehensive Diagnostic Pretest assesses students’ skills at the beginning of the year to get a baseline measurement of what they know.
Formative Assessments
Selection Comprehension & Vocabulary Checks
Identify student understanding and proficiency with these selection-based checks. Each
question is tagged with a DOK level and model answers for open response questions.
Exit Tickets
Monitor student understanding of the selection or quickly assess the skills taught in the lesson.
Image shown comes from the Print/eBook Teacher Edition.
Summative Assessments
Unit-Level Summative Assessments
Measure proficiency of skills taught within the unit. Skills and DOK levels are provided for each question found in the downloadable Reproducible Activities.
Mid-Year Assessment
A comprehensive Mid-Year Assessment evaluates student progress midway through the school year. Skills and DOK levels are provided for each question found in the downloadable Reproducible Activities.
End-of-Course Summative Assessment
This assessment shows a culmination of progress and growth towards the skills taught in Connections: Literature. Skills and DOK levels are provided for each question found in the downloadable Reproducible Activities.