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Evidence and Commentary
Updated over 8 months ago

Lesson RA.9 Selecting Evidence

Student Edition, page 146

Watch this videoby AP Teacher Beth Hall (Coach Hall) on how to select evidence for rhetorical analysis essays. Then review your evidence choices and make any changes that might improve your selection.

Lesson RA.10 Analyzing Word Choice and Tone

Student Edition, page 150

Watch this video for more on denotation and connotation and the power of words to convey tone.

Lesson RA.11 Embedding Evidence

Student Edition, page 152

Check out these tips ( from the University of Indiana Bloomington about using evidence effectively. Scroll down to read the short section called Using Quotations: A Special Type of Evidence. Then consider revising your sentences to apply the tips from the post.

Lesson RA.12 Commentary Part 1: Commentary Language

Student Edition, page 155

Watch this video from Timm Freitas (the instruction begins at 00:49) and consult this verb list. Then consider revising your sentences to incorporate the knowledge you’ve gained from these additional resources.

Watch Beth Hall discuss limited commentary using the Reagan liberty speech prompt. (See Author Videos.)

Lesson RA.13 Commentary Part 2: Connecting to the Rhetorical Situation

Student Edition, page 158

Watch this video by Beth Hall (Coach Hall) about her best tip for rhetorical analysis commentary. Then review your work and try to make improvements.

Lesson RA.14 Including Quotes in Commentary

Student Edition, page 161

This link to the website of the San José State University Writing Center takes you to an explanation of several very clear techniques for working in quoted material.

Lesson RA.15 Writing an Effective Conclusion

Student Edition, page 163

For more tips on writing an effective conclusion, check out this blog from Grammarly. After reading it, make any revisions to your concluding paragraph that are likely to improve it.

Evidence and Commentary Review (Row B)

Student Edition, page 165

Begin watching this video about the Rhetorical Analysis rubric from Marco Learning at 3:32 to learn about a wall between score 2 and 3 and how to break past it.

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