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How do students self-register with a class code?
How do students self-register with a class code?
Updated over 8 months ago

The following steps outline the steps to allow students to self-register to a class and create their student accounts. Your teacher will need to provide you with your class code.

Note: This option of student registration should NOT be used if students are being bulk uploaded using a .CSV file, being manually entered, or if your school is integrating a Student Information System (SIS) with Perfection Next.

Step-by-Step Directions

  1. In your web browser go to Perfection Next.

  2. Select the Use a code button.

  3. Enter your class code provided by your teacher.

  4. If you have entered a valid class code, the Next button will be enabled go ahead and select it.

  5. Confirm that the school listed is your school and select the Next button.

  6. You will then be prompted to enter your email address, this should be your school email address. This will be used for your username to access Perfection Next. When you have provided a valid email address you will see a checkmark to the right of the email address and will be able to select the Next button.

  7. You will get a confirmation that an account will be created using the email you provided, select the Next button.

  8. Enter your first name and the select the Next button.

  9. Enter your last name and select the Next button.

  10. Enter a password, it must be at least 6 characters in length and include a lowercase letter, and uppercase letter and a number.

  11. When you have a password that meets the validation requirements you will see a green check mark to the right of your password, select the Next button.

  12. You will be required to re-enter your password.

  13. Once your repeat password matches your original password entry you will see a green checkmark on the right side of the entry field, then select the Next button.

  14. You will the be logged into your account a

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