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Program Landing Pages

New addition to Literature & Thought Interactive Editions.

Updated over 4 months ago


For users of Literature & Thought Interactive Editions, we have released Program Landing pages into the product. These landing pages provide one with a quick summary of the clusters of the program as well as the various assignments for each of the clusters.

Table of Contents

Under the Table of Contents for each of the Literature & Thought titles is a new Program Overview item.

Selecting this menu item will take one to the Program Overview Landing Page.

In addition, the Table of Contents now has an Overview menu item under each cluster.

Selecting this menu item will take one to the Cluster Overview Landing Page.

Program Overview

Users will find a high-level summary of the instructional materials clusters including the Essential Question, Critical Thinking Skill, as well as the Student and Teacher Edition eBooks.

In the first panel, Evaluate • Analyze • Compare & Contrast • Synthesize one will find the Introducing the Theme lesson and Cluster Summaries.

Introducing the Theme

Selecting the Introducing the Theme Link takes the user to the Introducing the Theme lesson.

There are no changes as to how the lessons work within your Interactive Edition, just an additional way to get to the resources.

Cluster Summaries

Below Introducing the Themes are the various clusters of the program.

The Essential Question, Critical Thinking Skill, and Summary of the Cluster are displayed to the right of the cluster image.

Select the Cluster Name Link to go to the Cluster Landing Page.


Below the Evaluate • Analyze • Compare & Contrast • Synthesize Panel is an eBooks Panel.

Here you will find links to both the Student Edition and Teacher Edition eBooks. Simply select the link to launch the selected eBook.

Cluster Landing Page

The Cluster Landing Page will provide you with the Essential Question, the Critical Thinking Skill, as well as a Lesson Details in the cluster.

Lessons Panel

Every lesson in the Cluster will be listed in the Lessons Panel.

Each row will contain the Lesson Name. If the lesson is a Reading Selection, it will contain the Selection Number, plus the Title, Author, Genre, and Lexile Level of the selection in the first column.

Selecting the Lesson Title Link on a row will open the selected resource.

The suggest Pacing for the lesson is included in the Pacing Column.

The Sub-Lessons Column contains the sub-lesson(s) and Suggested Time for each sub-lesson in parentheses to the right of the sub-lesson name.

Each assignable lesson can also be assigned from the Cluster Landing Page by selecting the Assign Link for that lesson.

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