Nuance and Complexity
13 articles
1.1 Character Agency and NuancePart 1: Nuanced and Contrasting Characters
1.2 Protagonists, Antagonists, and Contrasting ValuesPart 1: Nuanced and Contrasting Characters
2.1 Atmosphere and MoodPart 2: Setting, Mood, and Atmosphere
3.1 Archetypes and ExpectationsPart 3: Plot Patterns
3.2 Contrasts and Conflicts of ValuesPart 3: Plot Patterns
4.1 Narrators as Characters or ObserversPart 4: Narrative Distance and Perspective
4.2 Narrative DistancePart 4: Narrative Distance and Perspective
4.3 Perspective, Description, and TonePart 4: Narrative Distance and Perspective
5.1 Thesis Statement and Line of ReasoningPart 5: Writing About Literature IV
5.2 Line of Reasoning and CommentaryPart 5: Writing About Literature IV
5.3 Well Supported ArgumentsPart 5: Writing About Literature IV
5.4 Achieving CoherencePart 5: Writing About Literature IV
Unit Review and AssessmentUnit 4: Nuance and Complexity