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16.4 What Are Some Features of Coasts and Reefs?
Updated over 8 months ago

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This National Geographic website explains the different kinds of beaches that are found all over the world. The website also explains why beaches are important and what communities are doing to try and save the beaches.

This video shows many different types of beaches. There are images of beaches from all over the world and descriptions shown as to why the beaches look the way they do. There is no talking in the video.

This is a PBS website. Once the user presses launch, another page comes up and defines what a rocky coast is. There is a second page where the user can click on pictures and the website explains what the feature is and where it can be found along the rocky coast.

This video shows a couple of individuals interacting with the rocky coast. There are descriptions of what a rocky coast is and why they are important, but there is no talking in the video.

This National Geographic website explains what reefs are. It also explains the different reefs including fringing reef, barrier reef, and atoll. The website also explains how manmade reefs are formed and the history of making manmade reefs.

This video has a marine biologist explaining the different kinds of reefs. The biologist draws pictures in sand and explains reefs and pictures are shown of actual reefs that he is describing.

This National Geographic website explains what a key (cay) is and where they are found. It also talks about the wildlife and the vulnerability of this ecosystem.

This CuriosityShow video talks about how islands form. It discusses how cays/keys form. A diver actually goes to the cay/key to take a look at what is there. The video continues and shows different stages of cays/keys.

This National Geographic website explains what an atoll is and where to find them. The website explains why atolls are hazardous to ships and cause many shipwrecks. It explains the history of atoll use for nuclear weapon testing and how certain countries protest this use as it damages coral reefs.

This video explains how an atoll is created through geologic process. The video shows the creatures, including corals, living in the atoll. It then talks about the reef that is made and what happens to the island.

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