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24.1 What Are Some Marine Resources?
Updated over 8 months ago

We have reviewed the content of all resources listed below to be sure they are appropriate for supporting instruction. However, as the resources listed below are open-source materials, we cannot be held responsible for changes in content.


This Bozeman Science video explains natural resources, renewable resources, and nonrenewable resources. It also links the natural resources to where people live on the planet.

This National Geographic website explains what conservation is and how it relates to renewable and nonrenewable resources.

This California Academy of Sciences video gives the formal definition of conservation and breaks it down further. It talks about different ways to conserve species in order to preserve biodiversity.

The Marine Stewardship Council website defines the different kinds of available fisheries. There are links on the website to learn more about the Marine Stewardship Council and fisheries.

This AbundantOceans video talks about sustainable fisheries and how to best rate the fisheries. It talks about the management of the fisheries.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations website explains longline fishing and how it is performed. The website gives overviews of the kinds of fish that are caught using this fishing method, as well as the crew and the ship needed.

This Hawaiian Fresh Seafood video shows a boat in Hawaii that uses the longlining fishing. It explains and shows how longlining fishing works.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations website explains what a trawl net is, how it is used, and what it is used for.

This Seafood Watch video shows how the trawling net is used and how it catches fish. The video points out how the bottom trawling net has adverse effects on the seafloor and wildlife by catching unwanted species.

The NOAA website explains how purse seine nets are employed in fishing and how the catch is hauled onto the boat. The website also points out that unintended species get caught in this net and are often injured and unable to be released back into the wild. These species include turtles, dolphins, and humpback whales.

This Seafood Watch video shows how a purse seine net is used to fish. It points out that the use of FADs will attract and trap protected and juvenile species.

The NOAA website explains how a gill net is used in fishing. It also points out the turtles and mammals that get caught in a gill net and the precautions that are being employed to prevent this.

This Seafood Watch video explains what a gill net is and how it is used for fishing. It talks about unintended catch and what fishermen can do to prevent marine mammals from being caught in the net.

This NOAA website provides information on what bycatch is, the dangers and threats that it poses, and what can be done to reduce harmful effects. The website also provides several links to more information.

This video explains bycatch and discusses why bycatch is a problem.

The Oceana blog does a good job of explaining what maximum sustainable yield is in relation to fishing and where the term originally came from.

This video looks at maximum sustainable yield in relation to the number of fish that can be fished sustainably.

The AAPG website explains what petroleum is and what it can be separated into. It also explains what is meant by “crude” and “sour.”

This EarthScience Western Australia video explains where oil is found and how it was originally made. It also explains how geologists find oil.

The website explains how minerals are defined and tested in a geological manner. It also discusses how the word mineral is misused to describe anything that comes out of the ground.

This MonkeySee video explains what a mineral is and what qualifies as a mineral. It also explains that the human body needs minerals in order to live and that minerals are used in everything.

This Live Science website describes a new area of manganese nodules that have been found. It also describes what manganese nodules are made of and what they look like.

This DW English video shows a team of researchers looking for resources on the seafloor. It also shows the manganese nodules on the seafloor and how researchers are harvesting manganese nodules.

This PlanetGreenTV video points out that we are close to a global water crisis. It explains what desalination is and how it is done. The video also explains why only certain areas are eligible for desalination.

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