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Using the Interactive Edition

Learn how to navigate and use features in your Interactive Edition products.

Updated over 4 months ago


This article will orient you to the navigation and features of your Interactive Edition on Perfection Next®. While the screenshots included in this article may differ from your Interactive Edition, it should only be the content that is different. The placement of functionality and interacting with your Interactive Edition is the same across all Interactive Editions.

Below is a screenshot of the Advanced Placement United States History Interactive Edition product:

Screenshot of Advanced Placement United States History Interactive Edition.

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is always available and provides you with quick access to key functions within Perfection Next®. The currently selected menu item is displayed in blue with an underline under the menu item.

Class Dashboard

Dashboard takes one to their Class Dashboard which contains a list of assignments as well as product resources that have been associated with the class. One can launch directly into an assignment from the Assignments Panel or into the product from the Products Panel.

Quickly toggle between your classes by selecting the Class dropdown.

NOTE: If your class does not have access to an Interactive Edition product, then there will not be a list of assignments on your Class Dashboard.


Products menu item may or may not have sub-menu items available for you to select. There are three different views for products: Instructional Materials, Resource Library, and Digital Library.

If your school has licensed products from only one of these categories there will be no sub-menu items you will go directly into the Products View. Any of the products listed in any of these views can be made available to your class.

Instructional Materials

Most customers will be defaulted to this view when selecting products. This view has the Instructional Materials for your digital programs.

If you have additional licenses for a Resource Library or a Digital Library product, then the Products menu will have a sub-menu items allowing you to select between Instructional Materials, Resource Library, and Digital Library.

Note: The list of programs and categories you see in your account will depend on the products that have been licensed to your school.

If you have a license to more than one program, you will be able to select the desired program from the Program dropdown. The Categories filter will allow you to filter down the products shown in your products view. Selecting the links under the Products label on a product tile will launch that resource within Perfection Next®.

Resource Library

This option will only be available if your school has a license to a resource library product.

This is an image of the Leveled Classics resource library showing the products in the Retold Tales category.

If you have multiple Resource Libraries you can toggle between them using the Resources dropdown. As with the Instructional Materials view the Categories dropdown allows you to filter down the resources displayed. Selecting the links under the Products label on a product tile will launch that resource within Perfection Next®.

Digital Library

This option will only be available if your school has a license to a digital library product.

This is an image of the Advanced Placement English Collection digital library displaying all categories.

If you have multiple Digital Libraries you can toggle between them using the Digital Library dropdown. As with the Instructional Materials view the Categories dropdown allows you to filter down the resources displayed by genre. Selecting the book cover image will launch that resource within Perfection Next®. When hovering over a book cover image, selecting the ellipses in the lower right corner will display additional information about the book.


Provides the teacher with a list of all possible assignments to assign to their class for the Interactive Edition.

Note: This menu item is only available if you have access to an Interactive Edition product for your class.

Quickly toggle between your classes by selecting the Class dropdown. Classes without an Interactive Edition assigned to them will be disabled from the dropdown list.

By default the assignment list will display All assignments available to assign to the class. If one desires, they can use the Filter dropdown to only display assignments matching the status of the selected filter criteria.

Assignment Statuses

An assignment has one of the following statuses.




Displays all the assignments available in a product for the selected class.


Displays the assignments where the start date is earlier than the current date, but less than the due date or end date (if set) for the selected class.


Displays the assignments that are completed which is fully graded for the selected class.

Needs Grading

Displays the assignments that the teacher needs to grade the assignment for the selected class.


Displays the assignments that have not been assigned to the selected class for the selected class.


Displays the assignments that have been created for the selected class, but the start date is later than the current date. Students cannot view assignments until the current date is later than the start date for the assignment.

Navigating the Assignment List

The assignment list will be organized based on the structure of the table of contents of the print product.

Selecting the Unit level rows will expand to show the topics and resources.

Selecting the Assignment Name (blue text link) will open the assignment for the teacher to view it. Hovering over the assignment row will display an information icon for more information about the assignment.

Create an Assignment

The rows with the Assignment Name as blue links can be assigned to the selected class through the Actions dropdown at the end of the row.

From the Actions menu you can assign the resource by selecting the Assign menu option. If you have assigned the assignment to the class then the Edit and Delete menu options will be enabled.

Once the assignment has been created for the class then the Start Date, Due Date, and End Date for that assignment will be displayed.

Need More Help?

See the support article: Creating an Assignment

To the left of assignments that have been assigned to your class you will notice status indicator icons. These help the teacher quickly identify the status of a lesson. The legend for these icons is at the bottom of the page.



This indicator is for an assignment that has been assigned to the class, but the current date is before the Start Date/Time of the assignment.

This indicator indicates that the assignment is active for the students to work on, which is the current date is later than the Start Date/Time of the assignment with the current date/time being less than that of the Due Date (or End Date if set on the assignment).

This indicator indicates that the teacher needs to grade the assignment for at least one of the students.

This indicator indicates that the assignment has been completed. The Due Date/Time and End/Date Time have passed and the assignment has been graded.


Educators need to know how students are progressing and how they can best
support them. Using data can help accomplish this, and having reliable data
provided in real-time is critical to making important instructional decisions.

Analyzing real-time data and monitoring student progress helps inform
instruction. Recognizing student performance, monitoring progress toward
academic goals, and identifying areas for improvement closes gaps and
increases student achievement.

Student Class Dashboard

The Student Class Dashboard will provide students with an immediate visual
and status of every lesson assigned, completed, and scored to help
them stay on track.

Teacher Class Dashboard

The Perfection Next® Class Dashboard is the first data point to monitoring student progress. It provides an at-a-glance view of assignments created and student performance on those assignments.

Item Analysis

From the Class Dashboard, educators can drill down into a specific
lesson for more detail on class performance.

Assignment Reports

The assignment reports include class, group, and individual assignment reports. These reports provide the educator with the proficiency band and average for each assignment, providing a quick snapshot of progress.

Class Assignment Report

Scores and student performance for any assigned lesson can be viewed
from the Class Assignment Report.

Group Assignment Report

When a class has pre-made groups created, the educator can view the
performance details for that group.

Student Assignment Report

The Student Assignment Report is a deeper dive from the Class
Assignment Report into a specific student’s performance on

Administrator Assignment Reports

When enabled for the Building Administrator, additional filter option is visible allowing them to navigate to a specific teacher’s class data. The Administrator view allows the building-level administrator to observe progress data by teacher, class, group, or individual students.

Gradebook Reports

The Gradebook provides educators with an at-a-glance visual of student performance by assignment or standard. Educators can use the View filter to see:

  • Assignment Scores as Percentages

  • Assignment Scores as Points

  • Standard Scores as Percentages

  • Standard Scores as Points​

Class Gradebook Report

The class view provides educators with a holistic view of the assignment or standard performance for every student in the class using a color-coded proficiency band.

Group Gradebook Report
The Group view provides educators with a report showing assignment or standard performance for select students assigned to a group.

Student Gradebook Report

The Student Gradebook Report is a deeper dive from the Class Group Report into a specific student’s performance on assignments or standards.

Administrator View of Gradebook Reports

School Administrator filtering will appear at the top of the screen for these reports for school administrators to drill down into teacher, class, group, and individual student performance.

Alternative Gradebook Report Views

The Class, Group, and Student reports have alternative views to see:

  • Assignment Scores as Percentages (demonstrated in Gradebook Report examples)

  • Assignment Scores Report

  • Standard Scores as Percentages

  • Standard Scores as Points

Assignment Scores as Points

Prefer to see your assignments as points earned instead of scores, simply open the View dropdown and select Assignment Scores as Points option.

Standard Scores as Percentages

Using the View dropdown switch from assignment centric view of your grade book to a standards based view of your gradebook by selecting Standard Scores as Percentage.

Standards Scores as Points

As with the assignment view of the gradebook, the standards view also supports showing standards by points earned out of possible points, by selecting the Standard Scores as Points option in the view dropdown.

Proficiency Reports

The proficiency reports include Class, Group, and Individual Student proficiency reports. These reports measure student proficiency on each standard and show the distribution of student proficiency for each standard using the color-coded scale.

Class Proficiency Report

The class view provides educators with a holistic view of the standard performance and the proficiency distribution for every student in the class using a color-coded proficiency band.

Group Proficiency Report

The group view provides educators with a standards-based report showing performance for select students assigned to a group.

Student Proficiency Report

The Student Proficiency Report is a deeper dive from the Class Proficiency Report into a specific student's performance on the standards.

Usage Reports

Various usage reports provide a bird's eye view of student online activity and resource usage in the Perfection Next platform.

Class Usage Reports

The Class Usage Report provides visual reporting to show how many students logged into their accounts, average time online, and number of resources viewed for a given time period.

Login Tracking

This report helps educators ensure students are keeping up with their assigned work and utilizing the digital platform.

Resource Usage Report

This report helps educators see which program resources have been accessed by student and the duration of their usage.

Administrator View of Usage Reports

School Administrator filtering will appear at the top of the screen for reports as shown below for all usage reports enabling administrators to view teacher, class, group, and individual student usage.

Need More Information on Reports?


Manage contains the functionality to manage your classes and students associated with your school.


The Classes sub-menu allows you to manage your classes. Including adding a class, editing class information, assigning products to your class, creating a student roster for your class, and deleting classes you no longer need.


Allows you to manage student accounts. This includes uploading students into Perfection Next® using a CSV file as well as adding, editing, deleting student accounts.

Need More Help?

See the following support articles related to managing users:


Personal Information

Allows users to update their account information and change their password.

Switch Schools

If your account is associated to multiple schools, Switch Schools allows you to toggle between the schools you are associated. This option will not display if your account is not associated to multiple schools.


Logs you out of Perfection Next®.

Information Bar

Below the Navigation Bar you will find the Information Bar.

The Information Bar will contain the functional area that you have navigated (e.g., Manage Users), the book being viewed if viewing an eBook, or the actual lesson name if one is in their Interactive Edition.

Lesson Navigation Bar

The Lesson Navigation Bar displays in Interactive Editions below the Information Bar.

Table of Contents

The first link on the Lesson Navigation Bar is the Table of Contents, which will provide you with the table of contents for the product you are viewing.

The Table of Contents allows one to navigate to any lesson in the Interactive Edition. The structure of the Table of Contents will vary depending on the content area and full aligns with the structure of the print book.

Each menu item in the table of contents with a caret pointing down is expandable and show the lessons associated with the selected unit. As one hovers over topics they will be highlighted in grey. The currently selected topic will be highlighted in blue.


After the Table of Contents, one will see the sub-lessons for the lesson that is being viewed. If there is only one sub-lesson, there will be nothing after the Table of Contents link. The sub-lessons you see will vary between products and within the lessons in a product with the relevant sub-lessons for the lesson.

The Lesson Navigation Bar shown above has the Table of Contents, Events & Development, and Practice. In this example, the Events & Developments has the instructional lesson followed by a sub-lesson of Practice.

To go to a different sub-lesson simply select the tab in the Lesson Navigation Bar.

Assignment Bar

At the bottom of an Interactive Edition assignment, student's will have the Assignment Bar.

This provides the student with information about when the assignment is due as well as the ability to submit the assignment. This view is only available to student's, though the Grading Bar for teachers has a similar view without the status messages nor the ability to submit the assignment.

Note: Students have to submit each sub-lesson of an assignment. If the sub-lesson(s) are not submitted prior to the Due Date/Time or End Date/Time (if set) then the system will automatically submit the work after the Due Date/Time or End Date/Time has passed.

For lessons that have been assigned to students, the Assignment Bar will contain the Due Date/Time for the assignment. There is also a Submit button which the user would select to submit the sub-lesson.

Submitting a Sub-Lesson

When the student selects the Submit button if they have answered all the questions for the sub-lesson they will get an Assignment Confirmation popup.

If the student selects the Yes button, the sub-lesson is submitted to the teacher and the student will no longer be able to make modifications to the sub-lesson.

If the student has not answered all of the questions for the sub-lesson and selects the Submit button, they will get an Assignment Submission Confirmation popup confirming that they want to submit with not all the questions being answered.

In addition, while the Assignment Submission Confirmation popup is displayed, the status message in the Assignment Bar will also be updated.

Once the assignment has been submitted, the Due Date will be replaced with the Date/Time of when the assignment was submitted by the student.

Grace Period

If an assignment has a Grace Period (End Date) assigned to it, then students that do not submit the assignment before the Due Date/Time will see an alternate Assignment Bar.

It will display the End Date/Time which is the last time that the student can submit this assignment. It will also have an Overdue indicator on the right side of the Assignment Bar as the assignment was not submitted before the Due Date.

Graded Assignments

After an assignment has been submitted, if it is an auto-gradable assignment the Assignment Bar will display the score information to the student. When this information is displayed to the student is determined by the settings on the assignment.

If the assignment requires the teacher to grade parts of the assignment, the score information will not appear until the assignment has been graded.

Needs Grading Assignments

Assignments that cannot auto-score, require the teacher to grade the assignment. When the assignment needs to be graded, the Assignment Bar will indicate that to the student.

Non-Gradable Lessons

Some lessons will not have are not gradable. Therefore, the student does not submit these lessons to the teacher. The student is given an informational message on the Assignment Bar for these lessons.

Grading Bar

The Grading Bar is displayed to only teachers at the bottom of an Interactive Edition lesson. It enables the teacher to change between a variety of views including: Display Answers, Grade Assignment, View Assignment, and View Student Work.

View Assignment

This is the default view when entering an Interactive Edition lesson. If the lesson has not been assigned to the class, the teacher can select the Assign button to assign it to the class.

After it has been assigned to the class, it will show the Due Date/Time in the lower left corner.

This view is the equivalent to the student's view of the assignment. The differences are the following: the Navigation Bar has additional options for the teacher, the Submit button is disabled as teacher's cannot submit the assignment, there is a dropdown list on the Grading Bar to allow the teacher to toggle views, and finally there are potentially teacher only materials in the right panel. The content area and interaction with the content and the right panel are the same for the teacher view as it is for students.

For lessons that have Immersive Reader and Annotations enabled, the teacher can utilize these features including making his or her own annotations to the lesson.

Display Answers

Toggling to Display Answers in the dropdown on the Grading Bar will display the correct answers for the assignment.

View Student Work

If a student in the class has not started the assignment, then the View Student Work option will be disabled.

Once you have assigned the lesson and students start working on the assignment, you will be able to view their work at any time. Simply change the View Dropdown in the Grading Bar to View Student Work.

This will change the Grading Bar to show the Student Selector Dropdown. This selector will allow you to select a student name to view their work.

If you have multiple classes that have the same assignment, first you will select the appropriate class.

After selecting a class you will get a list of the statuses for the assignment. After each status will be the number of students in that status.

Finally after selecting a status you will get a list of students in that class for which the assignment is in the selected status.

Once the student has been selected, their version of the assignment will be displayed on your screen. You will be able to navigate through all the sub-lessons in the assignment to check on their progress.

For sub-lessons that allow for annotations and note creation, you will be able to view the student's annotations in the content area and the student's notebook in the right panel.

For sub-lessons the student must answer questions, you will be able to see the answers to the questions they have answered.

These views into the student's work are updated in real-time so you can see the progress they are making on the assignment.

Grade Assignment

If you have not assigned the lesson to your class, then the Grade Assignment or if no students have submitted their work the option will be disabled on the View Dropdown. in the Grading Bar.

Once the first student submits their work for the assignment you will be able to select the Grade Assignment option in the View Dropdown.

Grade Assignment

Enables to teachers to grade the assignment for students. Questions within Perfection Next® can be classified as Auto-Graded or Manually Graded.

Auto-Graded Questions

With Interactive Editions, students complete their work online within Perfection Next®. Perfection Next will auto-score multiple choice, multi-select, matching, selected response questions.

The above questions were auto-graded by Perfection Next®. The student answered (B) for question 1 indicated by option B radio-button being selected. The Indicator Icon to the left of the question number indicates whether the question was answered correctly or not. The Correct Answer is displayed with green font.

If the entire assignment is made up of questions that can auto-grade, then the teacher will not have to grade that assignment.

Manually Graded Questions

Many of the assignments within Perfection Next® include question types that cannot be auto-scored. For these assignments teachers will need to go in and grade the assignment.

When viewing the assignment in Grade Assignment view, one will see the Student Answer along with the Correct Answer. Below the part of the question to be graded will be a Grading and Feedback panel.

Here the teacher can award Points Earned by selecting the radio button associated to the points they want to award. While this question is scored on a 1-point scale other questions could be scored on 2, 3, or 4 point scales.

One must provide a Points Awarded for any question or part of a question that is not auto-scored. Once all the questions on the assignment have been scored, then the assignment would be considered Completed and be moved out of Needs Grading.

Teachers are not required to provide feedback, but are provided the opportunity to do so for any question that they have to manually grade.

It should be noted that the overall assignment could have multiple sub-lessons which require grading. Teachers would need to navigate to the various sub-lessons and grade each of these.

The Student Selector in the Grading Bar allows teachers to switch between students to grade all the assignments that have a status of Needs Grading.

Grading Assistant

Outlines the features of the Grading Assistant for Teachers' using Interactive Edition products.

This feature is currently only available for the Interactive Editions of the following products:

  • AMSCO® Advanced Placement® European History, 2nd Edition

  • AMSCO® Advanced Placement® United States History, 4th Edition

  • AMSCO® Advanced Placement® World History: Modern [1200–Present]


The Perfection Next® Grading Assistant uses Generative AI to assist teachers with grading and providing feedback to Long Essay Questions (LEQs) and Document-Based Questions (DBQs). This feature is considered BETA and is only available in some Interactive Edition digital products. The teacher is in complete control of the Feedback generated by the Grading Assistant.


When Grade Assignment view is selected in the Grading Bar, the Grade and Feedback Panel will display in the Right Panel of the screen.

There are three different panels in the Grade and Feedback Panel on the right side of the screen. These include: Grading Assistant (BETA), Grading Rubric for Essay, and Feedback for Student. Each of these sections will be explained in this article.

Grading Assistant Feedback

By default, all student responses to Document-Based Questions (DBQs) and Long Essay Questions (LEQs) are submitted to OpenAI's ChatGPT for constructing feedback based on the detailed rubric from the College Board® in scoring these essays.

When a teacher is in Grade Assignment view for DBQ or LEQ questions they will see the Grading Assistant (BETA) panel in the Grade and Feedback at the top of the Right Panel.

This panel will contain a Likely Score Range and a Summary of the student's essay. One can view more detailed feedback by selecting Show Feedback by Scoring Rubric link at the bottom of the panel.

The Likely Score Range will only be available for Long Essay Questions (LEQs) at this time. It will not display for a Document-Based Question (DBQ).

This feedback will automatically be generated when students submit their assignment to the teacher. The Grading Assistant feedback is generally available in 2-3 minutes but could be slightly longer depending on the number of assignments being graded by the system.

The information contained or accessed from the Grading Assistant (BETA) panel is only available for the teacher. It is not shared with the student.

Using the Feedback

Selecting the Show Feedback by Scoring Rubric will provide a more detailed summary of the student's essay across the various areas of the College Board® Rubrics for grading Long Essay Questions (LEQs) and Document-Based Questions (DBQs).

The above image is showing the Grading Assistant Feedback for a Long Essay Question (LEQ).

The above image is showing the Grading Assistant Feedback for a Long Essay Question (LEQ).

The teacher can use this feedback as a guide as to what to look for when grading a student's essay. The feedback should help the teacher in identifying the amount of supports provided by the student so he or she do not have to track this detail when grading the assignment.

The Perfection Next® Grading Assistant should help save the teacher time when grading Document-Based Questions (DBQs) and Long Essay Questions (LEQs). By saving teachers time in grading these assignments, it enables the teacher to provide more opportunities for student essay writing practice with little to no work from the teacher.

With the essay questions being a critical component of the College Board® Exam, the increased opportunities for practicing Document-Based Questions (DBQs) and Long Essay Questions (LEQs) helps build the skills to answer these types of questions on the exam. Utilizing the Grading Assistant Feedback for Students enables teachers the ability to generate constructive detailed feedback to help students improve their writing for these essay prompts.

The feedback provided by Perfection Next® Grading Assistant is a very comprehensive evaluation of the student essays which will inform teachers at many levels about the success of the students' work. Each of the Reporting Categories from the College Board® Grading Rubric are evaluated with feedback provided for each area.

This feature is extremely easy to use as the information is made available to the teacher for all essays shortly after they are submitted to the teacher by the student.

Rating the Feedback

When viewing the Feedback by Scoring Rubric a teacher will see Likely Score Range as well as an overall summary of feedback for the student essay and a summary for each reporting category of the rubric.

At the bottom of this window, the teacher can provide Perfection Learning a rating of the quality of the feedback provided by the Grading Assistant on the student's essay.

One simply selects the Disappointed, Neutral, or Smiley face icon to rate the feedback.

This rating will provide Perfection Learning with valuable information that we can incorporate into future enhancements to the Perfection Next® Grading Assistant.

Grading Rubric for Essay

This panel is where the teacher awards points to the student's essay based on the rubric and scoring criteria for the selected assignment.

This section of Grade and Feedback panel does NOT use Generative AI in anyway. The teacher is the one that must assign point values to each section of the grading rubric. As they award points, the Points Earned will calculate based as points are awarded.

The above rubric is for a Long Essay Question (LEQ) with 6 possible points being awarded for the student's essay.

Selecting the View Scoring Criteria links under a Reporting Category will take the user to the Scoring Criteria and Decision rules for the selected category. You may also review the entire set of guidelines in the support article below.

Related Support Center Article:

To view the complete College Board® Guidelines select the AP History Long Essay Question Rubric link.

The Grading Rubric for a Document-Based Question functions just like the Long Essay Question (LEQ) description above. The difference is the Document Based Questions are graded on a 7 point rubric. The Evidence Reporting category has two subcategories to it: From the Documents and Beyond the Documents where up to 3 points can be awarded.

The above rubric is for a Document-Based Question (DBQ) with 7 possible points being awarded for the student's essay.

Selecting the View Scoring Criteria links under a Reporting Category will take the user to the Scoring Criteria and Decision rules for the selected category. You may also review the entire set of guidelines in the support article below.

Related Support Center Article:

To view the complete College Board® Guidelines select the AP History Document-Based Question Rubric link.

Feedback to Student

Below the Grading Rubric for Essay Panel in the Grading and Feedback Panel teachers have the opportunity to provide feedback that goes to the student along with the completed grading rubric.

Feedback for Student panel with an text entry field for the teacher to provide feedback to the student on their essay.

Teachers can select the Generate Feedback button which is the right most icon on the Editing Toolbar. This will utilize the Grading Assistant Feedback that is available to the teacher, but targeted to the student and organized as a bullet point list of Strength and Weaknesses.

Each time a teacher wants to utilize the Generate Feedback feature for Feedback to Student, they will be required to select the I Agree button on the Teacher Responsibility Confirmation popup.

Sample of feedback generated by Generate Feedback for the student based on their submitted essay.

Teachers are responsible for reviewing the generated feedback for accuracy and relevance before selecting Submit Grade which releases the information to the student. Teachers can delete the generated feedback if they disagree with it or edit it as necessary including adding additional feedback for the student.

You will be required to complete the Grading Rubric for the student's essay and provide feedback to the student before the Submit Grade button will be enabled.

The grade and feedback information is determined by the setting of the assignment's Allow students to review answers when the assignment is created and the status of the grading for the assignment. The options for this are; after assignment due date/time (default), after assignment graded for all students, or as student assignments are graded.

Teacher Responsibility

While the Perfection Next® Grading Assistant provides feedback to teachers based on the student's work that is not shared with the student. The quantitative feedback and qualitative feedback are strictly meant to assist the teacher in grading of the student's work.

The teacher must award the points earned by the student for their essay in the detailed scoring rubric. They are able to assign points as they see fit and can ignore the quantitative feedback provided by the Grading Assistant.

It is the responsibility of the teacher to read the student's essay and score it accordingly with the College Board guidelines for scoring an essay available to the teacher.

If the teacher desires to use the qualitative feedback provided by the Grading Assistant in the Feedback for Student, they MUST select I Agree button on the popup after selecting the AI feedback to generate the draft feedback for the student. They are agreeing to reading and verifying the information that will be provided to the student is accurate and represents their feedback to the student, making any necessary changes to the feedback.

Screenshot of the Responsibility to Review Feedback displayed to teachers when selecting the Generate Feedback button for students.

Failure to select the I Agree button will prevent the teacher from using the Grading Assistant to draft feedback to the student.

The Feedback to Student is based on the Grading Assistant Feedback provided to the teacher in Grading Assistant (BETA) panel. However, it has been revised for the audience of the student and organized as Strengths and Weakness in bullet point format. The teacher can modify as they see if including discarding the feedback, removing parts of it, enhance it by adding additional feedback.

We do store the feedback generated by the Grading Assistant for Student Feedback when generated as well as the version of the feedback the teacher releases to the student.

Disabling Grading Assistant

If you do not want to use the Grading Assistant, simply ignore the Grading Assistant (BETA) panel when grading assignments and do not select the Generate Feedback button on the Feedback to Student toolbar.

If your school or district wishes to turn off the Grading Assistant functionality all together, you may contact with this request and it can be disabled.

Note that at this time it is enabled/disabled on a per school building basis, it cannot be turned on/off for specific teachers or classes.

When disabled the Grading Assistant (BETA) panel will not be displayed to teachers nor will they have the Generate Feedback button in the Feedback for Student panel.

Products with Grading Assistant

The Grading Assistant functionality is currently only available in the following Interactive Edition products:

  • AMSCO® Advanced Placement® European History, 2nd Edition

  • AMSCO® Advanced Placement® United States History, 4th Edition

  • AMSCO® Advanced Placement® World History: Modern [1200–Present]

The functionality is only enabled for Long Essay Questions (LEQs) and Document-Based Questions (DBQs) within these products. In the future it will be extended to Short-Answer Questions (SAQs) as well as other Interactive Edition products.

Beta Notice

The Grading Assistant is considered Beta functionality in Perfection Next. It is being used solely for providing teacher's assistance in helping to reduce time for them to grade student's work product, the essay.


There could be instances where the Perfection Next® Grading Assistant uses Generative AI which can make mistakes, teachers should always review feedback for accuracy and relevance.

Though Generative AI could make mistakes, our testing of this capability has provided consistent results that we believe will make it easier for teachers to grade essays created by students as well as help them in providing constructive feedback for students to improve their writing skills.

Data Privacy

There is no Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that is shared with OpenAI or other third parties to provide the Grading Assistant functionality. The student's work product, the essay, is shared with Open AI to use Generative AI to evaluate the student's response to the prompt.

Generative AI Model

The Perfection Next® Grading Assistant uses GPT-4 from OpenAI for generating the feedback for Long Essay Questions (LEQs) and Document-Based Questions (DBQs). It is the GPT-4o variant that is currently being used.

Right Panel

Within an Interactive Edition lesson, there maybe an additional panel of information available to you, which we call the Right Panel. The list of views available in the Right Panel change depending on the product and sub-lesson you are viewing. These panels are context aware and will relate to the sub-lesson you are viewing.

Both teachers and students will have access to the Right Panel. However, there are some views such as Teaching Support or sections of the content that are for teachers only.

At the top of the Right Panel is a View Selector Dropdown. This will contain a list of available views for the sub-lesson being viewed. The various views are listed below:

  • Notebook

  • Passages

  • Active Reading

  • Resources

  • Teaching Support

  • Grade and Feedback is only available when Grade Assignment view is active in AP Social Studies Histories products for LEQ and DBQ questions.

Not all of these views exist in each Interactive Edition product.


Users have the ability to make annotations and take notes when working with the lesson. These annotations are shown in the text, but also included in the Notebook in the Right Panel.

The Notebook View in the Right Panel will display the annotations one makes in the lesson. One has the ability to Search, Filter, Print, or Export (Download) their notebook from the Notebook Toolbar.

The annotations section of the sub-lesson will contain the text that has been highlighted, underlined, double-underlined, or circled with one of the annotation styles. Each of these annotations allows the user to add a Label to categorize their annotations as well as a note on the annotation.

The notebook also contains a Note section that the user can add notes from reading the materials and/or from the class discussion on the topic.


Some sub-lessons require the student to reference the passage(s) to complete the exercise. The Passage option in the Right Panel will display the passage so the student can see the questions and the passage at the same time.

The student's annotations on the passage will also be displayed in the Passages view in the Right Panel.

Active Reading

Some sub-lessons have the instructional materials in the left panel of the screen with an Active Reading option available in the Right Panel.

In the Active Reading there will be questions for the student to answer. The questions are shown one at a time with the ability to navigate to the Next or Previous question. The instructional materials may also have indicators in the selection to provide scaffolding as what section the question refers.

The teacher view of the assignment displays all the Active Reading questions in the right panel without the Previous or Next options to make it easier to navigate classroom discussion on the questions.


There are often additional resources made available that relate to the lesson. The Resources option in the Right Panel will display the additional resources available in the lesson.

These resources can be classroom slides, pacing guides, graphic organizers, Open Education Resources (OER), or other resources to augment the instructional materials. Items listed in Teaching Support are only available to teachers. All other materials are also available to students.

One can view the classroom slides by selecting Classroom Slides. If one wants to download and customize the classroom slides they can select the download icon out to the right side of the Classroom Slides resource.

Resources going out to 3rd party resources will have an icon to the right of the resource title with an arrow pointing up to the right.

The currently selected resource will be highlighted in blue and be displayed in the Left Panel of the screen.

Teaching Support

One of the features of an Interactive Edition is the teaching supports from the Teacher Edition are available at point of use in the Teaching Support option of the Right Panel.

The Teaching Support is specific to the sub-lesson being viewed by the teacher. This view is not available to student accounts.

Interactive Text

Interactive Editions feature annotation, notes, and Immersive Reader features to enhance the instructional materials.

Annotation Tools

These tools allow users to annotate the text in their Interactive Edition.

To make an annotation simply highlight text in the lesson. This will bring up the annotation toolbar on the screen.

As one annotates the lesson, the notebook is updated with the annotations. Each annotation has a style of annotation: Highlight, Underline, Double-underline, or Circle. One also has the ability to add Labels (tags) to an annotation to help with organization and filtering. In addition one can also add a Note to an annotation.

Immersive Reader

Immersive Reader can help improve comprehension by...

  • Supporting fluency for English language learners or readers of other languages

  • Helping to build confidence for emerging readers as they learn to read at higher levels

  • Offering text decoding solutions for students with dyslexia and other learning needs

  • Providing individual word or whole text translations into over 120 languages with many of them to be read aloud

  • Providing scaffolding to ensure students with a variety of learning needs have access to grade-levels texts

Selecting the Immersive Reader icon in the upper left corner of the Left Panel will launch Immersive Reader.

Read Aloud

Immersive Reader allows one to play an audio version of the materials. Not only is this available in English, but if the document has been converted to another language then it can also be read in that language as well. Note that not all languages support read aloud but the vast majority due.

One can select the Play button to enable text-to-speech in Immersive Reader. To the right of the play button are Voice Setting that enable the user to change the voice and speed of reading the text.

Immersive Reader Features

In the upper right corner of the Content Area, are Text Preferences, Grammar Options, and Reading Preferences. Each of these options provides tools to work with the text.

Text Preferences

Text preferences in Immersive Reader allow users to customize the appearance of text to improve readability and remove visual distractions. Text preferences can be found in the Immersive Reader toolbar.

Here are some of the text preferences available in Immersive Reader:

  • Text Size: Adjust the size of the text by moving the slider left or right

  • Increase Spacing: Increase the spacing between lines of text

  • Font: Change the font

  • Themes: Choose from a variety of page themes and color options

  • Show Source Formatting: Show or hide source formatting

Grammar Options

The grammar options in Microsoft's Immersive Reader help readers understand complex sentences and improve reading comprehension:

  • Syllables: Break words into syllables by showing dots between them

  • Parts of Speech: Highlight nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs in different colors

  • Show labels: Display abbreviated parts of speech in the corresponding color

  • Customize highlight colors: Choose from a range of colors to align with school policies or your needs

Reading Preferences

Reading preferences in Microsoft Immersive Reader allow users to change the way they interact with text:

  • Line Focus: Highlights one, three, or five lines at a time to help readers focus.

  • Picture Dictionary: Displays an image or illustration related to a word when clicked. Users can also hear the word pronounced.

  • Translate: Changes the language of the text to a user's preferred language. Users can translate a single word or the entire document.

Full Screen Mode

Users can enter full screen mode to strip away the Navigation and Information Bars in Perfection Next to allow one to focus on the content and maximize screen real estate.

Return to Lesson

The back arrow allows one to exit the Immersive Reader view and return to the lesson within Perfection Next®.

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